MSCEIS 2019 Conference

Garbage Bank in Elementary Schools for The Clean Life and Love the Environment Education
Budi Laksono Putro, Waslaluddin, Rizky Rachman Judhie Putra

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


A healthy and clean environment is essential for human survival. Garbage is one of the problems in creating a clean and healthy environment. This research develops a Garbage Bank in Elementary Schools for clean living and environment-friendly education. The Garbage Bank in elementary schools manages waste to be of economic value. The object of this study was elementary school students in the Rancabolang Village, Gedebage Bandung. Clean life education and environmental love for elementary school students by applying the 3-R principles, namely: Reducing, Reusing and Recycling Waste. The development of the Garbage Bank in Elementary Schools is made based on the Waterfall method, object-oriented modeling, web-based, and PHP programming language. The stages of this research include the study of literature, needs analysis, system design, implementation, testing, analysis, and conclusions. The application of the Garbage Bank software in elementary schools can improve clean living education and environmental love for elementary school children in Rancabolang.

Keywords: Clean Life, Garbage Bank, Software, Object Oriented

Topic: Computer Science


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