ATASEC 2019 Conference

Designing a telecontroller for the Wind Energy system as Renewable energy
Abdul Rasyid (a*), Ahmad Wahyu Purwandi (a), Aisah (a), Mochammad Junus (a), Ferdian (a), Lis Diana Mustafa (a)

a) Electrical engineering, POLINEMA Jalan Soekarno Hatta 09 Malang 65141 Indonesia


The geographical position of Indonesia which has many small islands and many mountains, there are still many villages in Indonesia that have not received electricity provided by the National Electricity Company (PLN). People in these remote villages can indeed enjoy electricity with their efforts to buy diesel/premium/gas electric generators, etc., from non-renewable fuels that are expensive and difficult to obtain just to meet lighting needs at night. What needs to be further developed is a small-scale power plant for residential needs, with free energy prices and inexpensive generator prices. For that, we choose a wind power system that can be controlled electronically and the focus of our research is to be able to monitor the wind speed that causes the wind turbines to spin and the electricity that can be generated through an electric generator rotated by turbines. The resulting Wind and Electricity Speed can be monitored in real-time at a distance by using a Smart Cellular Phone with Wifi transmission which is currently affordable, besides that we can store this monitor data in a Database which can be displayed at any time in the form of a table or graph so that it can be studied to see the wind characteristics in the area and the characteristics of turbines, generators, and other systems. By using our Smartphone we can also perform Telecontrol of the braking function electrically, and release the burden of charging to the battery that functions as a storage of energy whenever needed.

Keywords: Telecontrol, wind turbines, celluler phone

Topic: Telecommunication Engineering


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