Dr. I Ketut Kasta Arya Wijaya,SH.M.Hum. I Wayan Arthanaya,SH.MH. Luh Putu Suryani, SH.MH. kastaaryawijaya@gmail.com
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Warmadewa
This study aims to provide knowledge and understanding to the public related to the regulation of utilization of watersheds as a means of water tourism in the city center, namely the city of Denpasar. In the long term the management of the utilization of watersheds will have a very significant impact on the community by increasing water recreation facilities in the middle of the city that are cheap and affordable, in the future it is expected to find a management model for the management of watersheds in Tukad Badung, in this study will examine the legal aspects of regional government authority in managing watersheds in Tukad Badung in order to create a clean environment and have a value of benefits to the community as a whole, in Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Governments by sharing the amendments it is stated that there is an authority mentioned in Article 11 concerning concurrent government affairs, namely: Obligatory Government Affairs as referred to in paragraph (1) consists of Government Affairs relating to Basic Services and Government Affairs not related to Basic Services. Article 12 of Law Number 23 Year 2014 concerning Regional Government explains that: 1. Obligatory government regulations relating to Basic Services as referred to in Article 11 paragraph (2) include: a) education, b) health, c) public works and spatial planning; In relation to basic services, there are obligations that the Regional Government has are public works and spatial planning, that is, arranging and utilizing one of them the watershed in Tukad Badung. A healthy, clean and safe environment is part of human rights, which is stipulated in the constitution, Article 28 (I) that every person has the right to obtain a healthy and clean environment is part of human rights. Thus the arrangement of the Tukad Badung watershed for water tourism for the people of Denpasar in particular and the general public outside the city of Denpasar, also plays a role in maintaining cleanliness, and preventing pollution in the watershed
Keywords: Watersheds, Water tourism, Environment as human rights
Topic: Penataan Kawasan DAS