AASEC 2019 Conference

Numerical Studies of Influence Angle of Attack of Configuration Fairing Flap Track types Naca 4412 and NACA 6412
Handrico Ramelan Pratama



Stability control is one of the important factors in flight, wings of the world known function change of air that flows into a lift and drag. Fairing Flap Track is known to increase the stability controls on the wings. This research discuss our results to see configuration the Fairing Flap Track to wings, fairing inspired by Sailfish fins and Blue Shark fins. This studies of configuration influence of fairing flap track on angle of attack 0 degree to 35 degree of the speed 100 km/h type Naca 4412 and NACA 6412. This research is knowing coefficient drag, coefficient lift and lift to drag ratio using software computational fluid dynamic (CFD). The results of simulation studies it is knowing that after mounting the fairing that the value coefficient of lift and coefficient of drag of the NACA 6412 of the higher than types of NACA 4412. The second model of airfoil and fairing knowing decrease the value coefficient of lift on 20 angle of attack. Shifting the point of stagnation toward lower side due to angle of attack. Fairing Flap Track has a major influence on the reducing drag caused by the effect of compressible.

Keywords: Angle of attack, coefficient drag, coefficient lift and lift to drag ratio

Topic: Mechanical Engineering

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/dXxFJ8BZq9pv

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