ICIT 2019 Conference

The Characteristics of the Broiler Industry in Jombang Regency
Nuria Rahmatin (a), Sucipto Sucipto (b), Endah Rahayu Lestari (a), Retno Astutik (a), Herawati Herawati (c)

(a) Department of Agro-industrial Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia
(b) Halal-Qualified Industry Development (Hal-Q ID), Jl. Mojosari 182, Batu City, 65322, Indonesia
(c) Department of Education Veterinarian, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia


The broiler industry is one potential commodity in Jombang Regency with a growth in demand of 6% per year. However, domination a certain actor in this industry caused a high fluctuation in the input-output price. The purpose of this study is to discuss the characteristic of the broiler industry in Jombang Regency. This analysis implemented a value chain approach which focused on the impact of the characteristic of actors and market on the price fluctuation of the broiler industry in Jombang Regency. The results of this study showed that there were three key actors of the broiler industry in Jombang Regency: breeders, brokers and slaughterhouses. Breeders are classified based on partnership patterns, while brokers and slaughterhouses are classified based on the scale of production. The interaction between three actors create a broiler market segment consisting of live bird and broiler carcass. The market segments was evaluate using Critical Success Factor (CSF). The input-output market structures of the breeders and brokers level leds to imperfect competition market that are oligopolistic and oligopsonistic, while at the slaughterhouse level approuches a perfectly competition market. The characteristics of actor and market have affected the performance of market accessibility and price acception. Therefore a fluctuations price in each level of market share has been occured.

Keywords: broiler industry; Jombang Regency; actor; market; price fluctuation

Topic: Sustainable Agriculture and Agricultural Engineering

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/dYLUjAey7t4T

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