AIFC 2019 Conference

The Role of Zakat in Improving Mustahik Welfare: The Case of BAZNAS Economic Empowerment Program
Priyesta Rizkiningsih, Amelya Dwi Astuti*, Adhitya Kusuma Zaenardi, and Muhammad Hasbi Zaenal

Center of Strategic Studies
The National Board of Zakat
Jl. Kebon Sirih No.57, 10340, Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia
*corresponding author: amelya.astuti[at]


The paper aims to look at the impact of zakat on mustahik receiving zakat through empowerment programs which do not directly provide cash as an additional income to them. The impact is measured by General Poverty Index and BAZNAS Welfare Index using four measurement standards, namely poverty line, had kifayah, rice nishab and gold nishab. By taking 243 households as sample, the results show that zakat distribution through empowerment programs has a good impact on the welfare of mustahik.

Keywords: zakat, empowerment, welfare

Topic: Islamic Philantrophy


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