ICISER 2019 Conference

Viktor Siagian, Tian Mulyaqin

Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology of Banten, Indonesia Ministry of Agriculture.


Banten province has received Combine Harvester (CH) assistance since 2015 as many as 25 units. The objectives of this study were: 1) Knowing the performance and effectiveness of CH in Banten province, 2) Knowing the financial feasibility of CH business, 3) Knowing the business problems of CH. The sampling method uses purposive simple random sampling with 10 respondents. The method of analysis uses B/C ratio, IRR, NPV, PP and descriptive. The results are: 1) The potential capacity of medium and small Combine Harvester (MCH and SCH) per year is 72.5 ha while the actual capacity only 31.62 ha/year, so the effectiveness is 43. 6%, while the effectiveness of Big CH (BCH) is 68.8%, 2) For MCH and SCH the value of B/C ratio is 1.16, NPV disc factor is IDR 16,577,983, and IRR is 97%, and PP is 2.37 years; for BCH the value of B/C ratio is 0.59, NPV disc factor is IDR. 132,151,398, and IRR is 44%, and PP is 3.38 years. 3) The problem of CH, if there is an engine failure, the owner has not been able to fix it and the availability of spare parts is relatively difficult, another problem is the presence of BCH coming from Lampung province which reduces BCH competitiveness in Banten province. Suggestions, the central and regional governments need to provide training to improve the CH machines and rules that prohibit CH from outside the province of Banten.

Keywords: Keywords: Analysis, combine harvester business, effectiveness, feasibility, problems.

Topic: What are the topics?

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/dpAPafFDRmNQ

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