ICOBEST 2019 Conference

Visual Modification of Animated Film Characters in Indonesia
Yully Ambarsih Ekawardhani, Imam Santosa, Hafiz Azis Ahmad, Irfansyah



This study aims to find the relationship between body shape and facial physiognomy in the visualization of the design of animated film characters. Characterization in animated films is inseparable from the position placed to fulfill the role in the film. In the creation of figures, body shape and physiognomy can be used as a design approach, especially figures who have passed visual modifications in the form of cartoons. Figures occupy roles, so character becomes an important element that is attached to lead to understanding the story. The method used is document analysis, in the form of character review based on facial physiognomy and body shape. The approach used was in the form of interdisciplinary, using a somatotype personal test, a combination of Ar-Razi and Ming Xiangs physiognomy, as well as a cartoon design. The result is a match between the character played with the two reference elements.

Keywords: animation, body shape, characters, physiognomy, modification

Topic: Visual Communication Design and Interior Design

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/dtv7U9zhbcVe

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