AASEC 2019 Conference

Geographic Information System For Mapping of Tourist City Of Dili In Web Based
Natalia Magdalena R. Mamulak (a), Emiliana Meolbatak (b), Sinhorinha N. Da Costa (c)

Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira


Dili is the capital city of Republic Democratic of Timor Leste country with a promising tourism potential because Dili has beautiful beaches and interesting cultural diversity. But until now these tourist objects are not widely known. The problem related to there is no media such as website that can promote tourism in Dili more detail and easily accessed by local and international tourists. Therefore it is necessary to create a geographic information system that becomes a media campaign for tourism of Dili City, especially about these attractions to be known by the public. The method used in solving the above problems is Waterfall which has the following phases: preparation phase, analysis and design phases, implementation phase, testing phase, deploy and maintenance phase. The programming tools in developing this geographic information system are PHP language and MySQL as the database. This web-based geographic information system will contain the data related to location of tourism and public facilities such as hotels, restaurants, shopping center, distance between locations and road conditions to make it easier for tourists during their stay in Dili. The system also provides updated information that is easily accessible to the public.

Keywords: geographic information system, Dili, tourism

Topic: Computer Science

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/eJ4XQbUTBdwu

Web Format | Corresponding Author (Natalia Magdalena R Mamulak)