BIS 2019 Conference

MUHAMMADIYAH-S RESPONS ON CLIMATE CHANGE AND ENVIROMENTAL ISSUES (Based on The Results of The Tarjih Muhammadiyah National Conference)
Mohammad Ikhwanudin

Islamic Family Law of Islamic Faculty
Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya


This paper aims to analyze Islamic dialectics in the Muhammadiyah community for responding to climate change and environmental issues. As one of the institutions in Muhammadiyah, the Majelis Tarjih and Tajdid (MTT) has an important role in bridging environmental issues into the Muslim community. The National Conference Meeting (Munas) in 2014 and 2015, MTT concerning fatwa about Water Jurisprudence (Fikih Air) and Disaster Jurisprudence (Fikih Kebencanaan). By the content analysis method, these two fatwas respond to various problems caused by weather changes. The fatwa serves a legal guide for programs and sustainable activities related to environmental issues. The conclusion of the paper made Muhammadiyah has shifted from a theoretical understanding of environmental preservation (Hifz al-Biah) to an active and practical attitude in translating fikih to the level of real practice.

Keywords: Environmental Theology,Tarjih,Muhammadiyah

Topic: Religious Studies


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