ICAS 2019 Conference

Public Health Communication Campaign Germas by Ministry of Health in Maluku 2018: An Overview
Ananda Dwitha Yuniar (a*) Alan Sigit Fibrianto (a) Irawan (a)

(a) Universitas Negeri Malang
Jl. Semarang No. 5, Kota Malang


Public communication campaign held by the Indonesian Government generally aims to achieve the main of integrating functions of several Government programs. The implementation of public communication is intended to send public information and to accommodate public opinion. This necessary for decentralization objective manifestation based on the principle of good public governance, such as Health communication campaign. It is one of the most preference Government endeavors for increasing awareness and improves healthy living to realize the highest standard of public health. Germas (Gerakan Masyarakat Hidup Sehat), whose held by Ministry of Health, was one of the major campaigns in recent years 2018 in Indonesia. Indonesia was facing a big challenge health problem related to non-infectious diseases such as stroke, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. This paper aims to discuss the effectiveness of Health communication campaign in reducing unhealthy public behavior in Maluku after held one year. Moreover, this paper will analysis media campaign usage to support Germas programs using conceptual analysis.

Keywords: Health Communication; Government; Germas; Campaign

Topic: Government Policy

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/ekMWUZ3fVgHj

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