ICoSI 2019 Conference

Does Electronic Survey Give More Honest Answer in Sensitive and Personal Issue?
Winny Setyonugroho, Iman Permana, Yuniar Inggit Nurfadhillah, Whidi Chandra Ningrum, Della Nurfadillah, Kariza Aurora Humaidi

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta


Background To collect an honest answer from a respondent is not a simple task, especially when the question is concerning sensitive and personal issues. Researchers must be aware of what is deemed as a taboo topic in an individuals culture and in certain places/locations. This is so that the researcher may obtain the most honest results, and acquire important easy-to-use tools when conducting a survey. Aim The aim of this research is to find the differences of the response between paper-based survey and the response from an electronic-based survey. Method Four types of data collection methods were used in this research. Two of the methods were paper-based, one survey handed out in a sealed envelope and one without. The other two methods utilized Line Polls & Survey and Google Forms. The respondents were students coming from two study programs (SP), Civil Engineering and Medical School. The total sample amounted to 192 respondents, with a sample of 48 respondents for each method. Each method took on a respondent from both SPs (n=24 for each SP). And from out of 24, we continued to divide them into 4 cohorts based on their graduating class (class of 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016). Therefore, we had 6 students for each cohort. The data was analyzed using an Analysis of Variance. Result There were no significant differences between each survey methods. Interestingly, if we take a look at the results of the open paper-based survey and the survey using Line Survey & Polls, where the questions were openly asked and the researcher knew the respondents identity and results, the resulting score is slightly higher compared to the disclosed method (sealed paper-based and Google Forms). Conclusion Using an electronic survey has a similar result to using a paper-based survey, hence it can be used to reach more samples and is more cost-effective. Regarding the honesty of the respondents, further study is needed to address this specific topic.

Keywords: survey, electronic survey

Topic: International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/etMXE9qxhVk4

Web Format | Corresponding Author (Winny Setyonugroho)