analysis of students mathematical presentation in solving geometry problems
N Hidayati, B Usodo, S Subanti
University of Sebelas Maret
The purpose of this study is to describe students mathematical representation ability in solving geometry problems. The ability of mathematical representation of students in this study is a way or steps used by someone to present mathematical ideas or ideas into interpretations in the form of visual, symbolic, and verbal. The focus of this study is to analyze the ability of students mathematical representation based on operational forms which include visual representation, simvolic representation and verbal representation. The research method used is the qualitative research method. the research subjects were three students at the Bakti Junior High School in Madiun. The data in this study consisted of data resuction, data presentation, and conclusions or verification. The results of the study show that students in the aspect of visual representation are able to understand the image correctly. In the representation aspect students still often make mistakes in number counting operations. In the aspect of verbal representation students have not been able to write mathematical sentences.
Keywords: Geometry, representasi visual, representasi symbolic, representasi verbal
Topic: Mathematics Education