INCRID 2019 Conference

Research on CV. Rena Soap Nut Detergent as Future Organic Detergent in Indonesia
Siti Fatimah1 , Fahmi Arifan2 , Aditya Affan Herdiyanto3 , Muhammad Rezky3 and Chintya Ramadhani4

1 Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
2 Vocational School, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
3 Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro Uiniversity, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
4 Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Science, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia.


Soap nut is a plant that is known which are used as traditional detergent. Batik is usually recommended to be washed soap nut because it is considered as the most suitable washing agent to maintain its quality (batik color). Soap nut seeds contain saponins, a toxic alkaloid, these saponins produce foam and function as a washing agent, and can also be used as a cleaner for various kitchen utensils, floors, and even bathe and clean pets. This research aims to compare the quality of CV Renas batik soap nut detergent with batik soap nut produced by other industries. In this experiment include color analysis, odor analysis, pH analysis, density analysis and viscosity analysis of tested batik soap nut detergent. The results of the five sensory organoleptic tests found that CV detergents were compared with three competitor manufacturers batik soap nut detergent (detergent A, detergent B and detergent C) has a homogeneous shape, distinctive color and distinctive odor. While for the pH test the CV Renault detergent results were pH = 3.2, detergent A pH = 3.8, detergent B pH = 5.9 and finally detergent C pH = 4.2. For the density test, the detergent density of CV Rena = 1.0386 gr / ml, detergent A = 1.0255 gr / ml, detergent B = 1.0554 gr / ml and detergent C = 1,0068 gr / ml. And for the viscosity test, the result of CV Renas detergent = 1.61 cp, detergent A = 1.45 cp, detergent B = 5.86 cp and detergent C = 1.15 cp. The trial results obtained in organoleptic tests such as color, odor and shape are in accordance with the Liquid Detergent Quality Requirements SNI 06-4075-1996, while the pH and density are not in accordance with the existing quality standards.

Keywords: soap nut detergent; density; pH; color; odor; viscosity

Topic: Sustainable Development


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