INCLAR 2019 Conference

Morality as legal issue on Indonesia Facing Asean Economic Community

Batanghari University


MORALITY AS LEGAL ISSUE ON INDONESIA FACING THE ASEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY (AEC) Supeno FAKULTY OF LAW BATANGHARI UNIVERSITY JL. SLAMET RIYADI BRONI JAMBI Email: ABSTRACT The current trend in international trade is growing rapidly, along with these developments, the problems occurring in trade transactions are also increasing on the other hand the disputes arising in international trade are also increasing, under such conditions it is necessary to have attempt and legal role to overcome international trade issues. The declaration on the ASEAN as ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) have 5 (five) concentration sectors economic Community fully integrated into the global economic by free movement of goods, services, investments as well as free flow capital and skill. Indonesia unable in business competiton if Indonesia not serious in facing ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), Indonesia must self-improve including to repairing legal issue. The main legal issue in Indonesia is morality, morality related trust states/nations else, therefore good solution should be done. Moral value of Indonesia extracted from religion and culture, morality as modal to developing national law in facing the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), to reach trust from international, Indonesia must self-improve to repairing that legal issue. Keyword: AEC, morality, solution

Keywords: AEC, morality, solution

Topic: Philosophy of Law


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