ATASEC 2019 Conference

Experimental Study of Bearing Capacity Pile Foundation on Peat Soil by Properties Improvement Using Electrokinetic Method and Lime Shells
Rabiya (1), Syahril (2), Andri Krisnandi Somantri (3)

1) Master of Applied Science in Faculty of Civil Engineering, The State Polytechnic of Bandung
Gegerkalong Hilir Street, Bandung 40012, Indonesia
2) School of Civil Engineering, The State Polytechnic of Bandung
Gegerkalong Hilir Street, Bandung 40012, Indonesia
3) School of Civil Engineering, The State Polytechnic of Bandung
Gegerkalong Hilir Street, Bandung 40012, Indonesia


Problems arise when building infrastructure on peat soil, such as on a declining bridge. To know this, an experimental test was conducted. From experimental testing, the PT-00 model had the biggest drop at 87,16 mm, for the PT-25V model was 65,30 mm and the PT-KKK-25V model amounted to 67,23 mm. For the model of PT-00 experienced a faster decline and small load is 37 kg, model PT-25V can withstand the load up to 49 kg, while for the model PT-KK-25V, the pile foundation can afford the load up to 204 kg. The peat soil with pile foundation undergoes the fastest depreciation of 52,25 mm on the PT-KKK-25V model. For PT-00 and PT-25V models subjected to a smaller depreciation process of 38,8 mm and 28,78 mm The results of this analysis can be concluded that for the test pile foundation press, the application of improvement is more effective on the model PT-KKK-25V, namely pile foundation model is mixed 8% optimum contain of lime shells and electrokinetic with a voltage of 25 V. But for pile foundation tensile testing, the application of modeling is more effective on the PT-25V model. Because electrokinetic can enlarge the tensile force of the pile foundation.

Keywords: Peat Soil, Lime Shells, Electrokinetic Method, Pile Foundation, Settlement of Soil

Topic: Civil Engineering


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