INCRID 2019 Conference

Environmental Carrying Capacity Assessment of an Industrial Estate (Study of Cikupa Mas Industrial Estate, Tangerang Regency)
Jehan Noor Auda, ST and Dr. Hayati Sari Hasibuan, ST, MT

School of Environmental Science, Post Graduate University of Indonesia, Central Jakarta, Indonesia


Waste minimization and energy use, synergistic relationship between the community and tenants are important elements of the industrial estate. Various kinds of economic and social in the industrial area will certainly affect and change environmental conditions. Environmental carrying capacity is one of the important components to obtain great support. This study aims to analyze the carrying capacity of the Cikupa Mas industrial estate, Tangerang Regency which is carried out by looking at two main elements, land and water carrying capacity at the location. The selection of research locations is based on industrial activities and the scale of industrial estate, so that it can be a representation of environmental carrying capacity in the Cikupa District, Tangerang Regency. The results of the analysis, indicate the land carrying capacity according to geography, topography, soil type and hydrology conditions that are very suitable for industrial zones. Meanwhile, water carrying capacity was deficit, water availability could not afford the needs of the industrial estate. Regulations that are in accordance with the principles of environmental sustainability, good supervision and implementation, become an external component that can help maintain the environmental carrying capacity.

Keywords: Industrial Estate, Environmental Carrying Capacity, Land Carrying Capacity, Water Carrying Capacity

Topic: Sustainable Development


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