BIS 2019 Conference

The profile and behavior of self medication: Case Study of Pharmacy Consumers in Magelang City
Prasojo Pribadi, Nesya Jeihan Daniswara, Mochammad Nicko Alfariz

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang


The prevalence of the use of pain reliefe medicine with self-medication conditions is still very high. However, on the other hand self-medication can be a source of drug-related problems. The purpose of this study was to explore the profile and behavior of self-medication related pain medication in the Magelang city. This study were used a cross sectional survey method. A total of 201 respondents were involved in this study. Respondents aged 18-60 years and selected by convenience sampling method. The data obtained and analyzed using descriptive statistics. The result as many as 87.6% of respondents had self-medication. The source of self-medication information was mostly obtained from family, neighbors or friends (47.8%). The main reasons to self-medication is advice from friends or family members (35.2%). The types of drugs that respondents use are modern medicine (61.7%), traditional or herbal medicine (23.9%), acupuncture treatment (3.5%) and other drugs (10.9%). The drug most widely used by respondents to treat pain is paracetamol (50.25%). Most pain reliefe medicine were obtained from pharmacies (70.1%). A total of 60.2% of respondents have pain medicine supplies at home. There is no relationship between sex (p=0,067), age (p=0,836), occupation (p=0,848), education (p=0,564) and income (p=0,101) towards self-medication behaviour. The role and function of the pharmacist in providing education related to medicine to the community needs to be improved.

Keywords: Self medication, Profile, Behavior, Consumers

Topic: Pharmaceutical


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