INCITEST 2019 Conference

Control of Electronic Devices Using Smartphone-Based Voice Identification
Sriwati;Eruinsyah;Saktiani Karim;Fadli Rahman

Universitas Islam Makassar


This study aims to (1) learn how to design the control system of an electronic device using voice identification-based smartphones (2) generating electronic device control system and (3) optimize the smartphone functions as a mobile phone than as a means of communication. The method used using the technique of direct observation by observing the success of the software AMR voice in identifying sound. In this design process smartphone as a sound receiver module, arduino as a controller, bluetooth module as the sender and recipient of the data, and the relay as a contact breaker and connecting the electric current, as the output of LCD used to display information on whether the results of voice identification is correct or incorrect. of research tools electronic control device can control electronic devices such as fans, lamps and others depending on what is to be controlled. From the test results it can be concluded that the system control electronic devices by using voice identification-based smartphone that has been designed is divided into several parts, namely the bluetooth module HC-05, arduino uno, relays and software AMR voice as a controller that has been tested to work and function properly.

Keywords: Smartphone, AMR Voice, LCD, Arduino, Bluetooth, Relay

Topic: Electrical and Computer Engineering


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