GCBME 2019 Conference

Outpatient Waiting Time and Length of Stay in Hospitals at West Java
Desy Anisya Farmaciawaty*, Mursyid Hasan Basri, Ilma Nurul Rachmania, Fransisca Budyanto Widjaja

School of Business and Management, Bandung Institute of Technology Jalan Ganesha No. 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia


Patient queues has become a problem in healthcare delivery systems. Long queues will result in delay of patient receiving needed services as well as economic loss since patient lose their productivity time. Patient waiting time has been one among other indicators to evaluate the healthcare providers- performance and quality. This research aims to investigate waiting time or length of stay spend by outpatient customers of several hospitals in West Java. Data were collected through electronic record from the hospitals information system and analyzed using Business Process Model and Queuing Model. From the research we found that those hospitals still have not able to fulfill the outpatient waiting time minimum service standard set by the government which should be less or equal with 60 minutes. For future research, we will investigate the root cause of the longer waiting time and recommend a new process to improve this situation.

Keywords: patient queuing; waiting time; length of stay

Topic: Innovation, IT, Operations and Supply Chain Management

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/gvtkXndGYFVJ

Web Format | Corresponding Author (Desy Anisya Farmaciawaty)