ICAIT 2019 Conference

Effect of Supplementation of Combination of BSF Curcuma and Maggot Meal in Rations on Accumulative Weight of Native Chickens
Wisje Lusia Toar (a*). Endang Pudjihastuti (a). Laurentius J.M. Rumokoy (a,b). Ivonne M. Untu (a)

a) Animal Science Program, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Sam Ratulangi University. Jalan Kampus Unsrat, Manado 95115. Indonesia
b) Entomology Program, Postgraduate School, Sam Ratulangi University. Jalan Kampus Unsrat, Manado 95115. Indonesia


The purpose of this study was to determine the role of the combination of curcuma meal with maggot or BSF (Blue Soldier Flies) insect larvae of Hermetia illucens on accumulative weight gain in native chicken. Methods: This study used 60 starter chickens aged 3 weeks, which were divided into two groups of 30 chickens as control group (P1) and the other one (P2) that received a supplement of combination of curcuma meals of 350gr / 100 kg ration and maggot BSF of 150gr / 100 kg ration which was maintained for five weeks. The ration was distributed ad libitum. Accumulative weight gain was measured at the end of the study at the sixth week. The data obtained were analyzed using t-test The results of this study indicated that the average body weight of experimental chicken P2 was 0.450 gr significantly higher (P <0.01) than in group P1 was 0.390 gr. The maggot meal of H. illucens has an important nutrient content and has a positive effect when combining with curcuma meal which is able to increase consumption palatability which has a direct effect on local chicken weight gain. Conclusion: The combination between BSF maggot and curcuma meals supplementation could be applied to local chickens in supporting organic livestock production

Keywords: : Insect, BSF, native chickens

Topic: Feeds, feeding, and animal nutrition

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/gyVTBJjNe4Mv

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