BIS 2019 Conference

Explorative Study: Implementation of Library Management in Schools Literacy Movement in the Primary School in Magelang
Septiyati Purwandari*, Ella Mincah Awaliya, Evik Priharlina, Anisah

Prodi Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang


The role of the school library as the heart are not fully understood by the school community. Low literacy skills possessed information librarian and the teacher becomes a primary consideration in doing this research. Therefore, the objective of the study was to assess the management of libraries in support of the Literacy Movement Schools. The benefits of this research so that school administrators do technical efforts to improve information literacy in the management of the library, by arranging the related programs and pustakwan increase teacher collaboration in order GLS optimal impact in fostering students interest. This research was conducted in the county Magelang with a number of research subjects Primary School 5 represents a balanced characteristics: type SD (private and public), has a Library and apply the GLS program. In this research instruments used were observation, interviews, and documentation. Methods of data processing using data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. While the validity of the data using triangulation data. The results showed that the first, synergy role perspustakaan with literacy movements carried out pragmatic that move and divide the book into every classroom through reading corner, a second, manual management of libraries SNP met by the school as a liability admininstrative, third-awareness information literacy of teachers and principals in the management of the library low and fourth GLS understanding of implementation guidelines by the school community is still limited to a single stage presentation of data and drawing conclusions. While the validity of the data using triangulation data. The results showed that the first, synergy role perspustakaan with literacy movements carried out pragmatic that move and divide the book into every classroom through reading corner, a second, manual management of libraries SNP met by the school as a liability admininstrative, third-awareness information literacy of teachers and principals in the management of the library low and fourth GLS understanding of implementation guidelines by the school community is still limited to a single stage presentation of data and drawing conclusions. While the validity of the data using triangulation data. The results showed that the first, synergy role perspustakaan with literacy movements carried out pragmatic that move and divide the book into every classroom through reading corner, a second, manual management of libraries SNP met by the school as a liability admininstrative, third-awareness information literacy of teachers and principals in the management of the library low and fourth GLS understanding of implementation guidelines by the school community is still limited to a single stage

Keywords: library management, GLS, Primary School

Topic: Education


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