BIS 2019 Conference

Circulation Marketing Chain in The Dairy Business Unit Development Efforts Dairy Cattle in Ngablak District
Adhi Surya Perdana (a*), Widitya Tri Nugraha (b), Siti Nurul Iftitah (a)

(a) Agrotechnology of Faculty Agriculture, Tidar University, Jl. Kapten Suparman 39 Potrobangsan, Magelang Utara, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia,
(b) Animal Science of Faculty Agriculture, Tidar University, Jl. Kapten Suparman 39 Potrobangsan, Magelang Utara, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia


The center dairy cattle in the Ngablak District including the location criteria which have leading sectors that can drive the growth of local and national economies. Potential dairy cattle with a population of 210 heads, 60 tails lactation milk production of 1,000 litre / day and as many as 255 head of beef cattle. Existing cattle organizations such as the Association of dairy cattle named Tri Argo Mulyo and has had a cooling unit capacity of 1,000 litre. This study aims to identify the characteristics of the farmers, the selling price of milk at farm level to the market and sellers dealings mechanism result dairy cows. The basic method of research is a descriptive and case studies. The sampling technique was conducted by multistage purposive sampling, while the data source of research focused on farmers, farm groups, the combined group of farmers, cooperatives, milk collectors and goverment agriculture department. The results of the study dairy cattle sector is an important sector of the local economy, regional and national levels, either directly or indirectly. Direct role sectors of dairy cattle contribute revenue from the supply of raw milk to cooperatives, wholesalers, industries, to the consumer, whereas indirect role has multiplier effects in the form of linkages availability of milk from the input to the output among industries that have collaborated with the cooperatives and associations, consumption, and investment is environmentally sustainable agriculture in supply of manure. Conclusion of the study, breeders as dairy cattle in Ngablak District dominate the supply of local milk independently, the certainty of prices that tend to be stable around 5,600 rupiah until 6,000 rupiah / litre, and the existence of a tiered marketing chain mechanism by the Association and Cooperatives.

Keywords: Milk, Dairy Cattle, Chain Marketing Association

Topic: Sociology


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