ISBEST 2019 Conference

Analysis of Performance and Importance Matrix to Determine The Implementation of Customer Social Responsibility
Wise Rogate Silalahi

Universitas Terbuka


One of the tasks of Higher Education is to carry out Community Service, in addition to other tasks namely education and teaching, and research. Community service is a form of university Customer Social Responsibility (CSR) to the community, to apply knowledge in solving problems in society. Indonesia Open University Regional Kupangin 2017 until 2019 has conducted Community Service activities around the area, including making woven cloth, computer training, making banana chips, acid processing, making reading gardens, family medicinal plants, and sewing training. The activity was carried out as a form of caring, and involvement in efforts to empower communities around the campus. To determine customer satisfaction with performance, a study was conducted using a PerformanceImportancematrixanalysis to customer satisfaction variables, including tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy.This is a descriptive quantitative rsearch, Populations are all participants of training, while sample is sewing training participants as a purposive sampling The results showed the following results: the average attributes of Tangibles (3.3; 3.23), Reliability (3.18; 3.33), Responsiveness (3; 3.31), Assurance (3.43; 3, 44) and Empathy (3,45; 3,4). Each has different managerial implications. For Tangibles is excessive because Performance> Importance, Reliability and Responsiveness are High Priority because P

Keywords: CSR, PI Matrix, Customers

Topic: Knowledge management and organizational learning


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