ATASEC 2019 Conference

Optimizing Agricultural Land Area To Increase Productivity For Anticipating Decreasing Irrigation Water Supply
Subandiyah Azis, I Wayan Mundra

National Institute of Technology Malang, East Java, Indonesia


In order to maintain food security in Indonesia it is very necessary to organize the provision of irrigation water. Current surface water discharge conditions have decreased compared to 10 years ago so that there really must be efficient and wise efforts in the provision of irrigation water in paddy fields. Many efforts to increase the productivity of paddy fields and one of them is to optimize paddy fields area and reset cropping patterns in the paddy fields. In the initial stage of this study an analysis of the availability of surface water discharge was then analyzed for irrigation water requirements that could be given to each paddy field in accordance with a predetermined cropping pattern. Then a land area simulation is carried out to obtain the most optimal land area. This simulation is carried out in the conditions of the wet season, the normal season and the dry season. Simulations are carried out with various cropping patterns including rice and secondary crops. Simulation results show that the largest area that produce maximum production in the wet season is 11285 ha, in the normal season is 9436.22 ha and in the dry season is 5944.87 ha.

Keywords: irrigation water, wet season, normal season, dry season.

Topic: Civil Engineering


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