MSAT 2019 Conference

Land Mining and River Overflow Threaten to Coral Reef Sustainable in in Northern Bone Bay, South Sulawesi Indonesia
Syafyudin Yusuf(a) Mahatma Lanuru(b) Fajria Sari Sakaria(c) Rastina Rahim(d)

a,b Marine Science, Hasanuddin University
c Graduate School of Hasanuddin University
d Bogor Agriculture University


Land clearing for mining operations is rampant around Sulawesi. This land opening increases the sedimentation load and eutrophication of the waters so that it disturbs life in the coral reef ecosystem on the coast. The threat of coral death originating from the overflow of sediments that enter the ocean waters is presumed to occur at the coast of the Bone Bay. This study aims to identify indicators of damage to coral reefs around the land mining area of the Northern Bone Bay. Observations of the substrate cover of coral reef ecosystems were carried out in 2015, 2016 and 2017 using a UPT (Underwater Photo Transect) method along 50 meters at a depth of 2 and 6 meters. The ecological impact indicators such as eutrophication and sedimentation used in this study are macro algae cover, dead coral with algae, silt, water clarity, total suspended solid (TSS) and sedimentation rate. The results show that there have been significant changes in live coral cover and other substrates during the study period. Scleractinian coral cover decreased, while dead coral with alga, macro algae, soft corals and sponges cover increased. The cause of coral death is not only by sedimentation and eutrophication, but also due to the occurrence of bleaching in 2016. Very few indications of new destruction due to destructive fishing. High turbidity and TSS concentration observed in this study were caused by sediment supply from the Malili river which is estimated due to mining and land clearing in the surrounding mountains.

Keywords: Coral Reef Degradation, Land Mining, River Overflow, Low seawater quality, Land Mining, Bone Bay Indonesia

Topic: Coastal Degradation and Coastal Hazard


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