ICoSI 2019 Conference

Exploration of the role of Islamic banking in advancing the halal industry in Indonesia
fatmawati sungkawaningrum

STAINU Temanggung


Abstract Indonesia has the most Muslim population in the world. This encourages Indonesian people to choose to live in sharia. Sharia is very closely related to the halal industry. Islamic banking can encourage halal industries in Indonesia. With the enthusiasm of the community to run a sharia system, it encourages banks to disburse financing to develop a halal industry. Global economic conditions should be developed in all sectors, but this sharia market share is not yet wide. The halal industry should be able to encourage the sharia of the Islamic banking market to develop broader sharia-compliant good and services. The research method used is descriptive quantitative method and literatur review. From the results of the analisis of the role of banks, it is not limited to finwithout training, guidance and usury, but also includes halal regulations, halal consumption of product, halal industry intelligence and lawful governance. The governmenthas a role as a regulator between Islamic banking, business actors and MUI so that the ekonomic potential and halal industry according to sharia can be realized.

Keywords: halal industry, sharia banking, government

Topic: International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/jKywGaQF369A

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