SoRes 2019 Conference

Determination of Village Fund Allocation
Dr Sanidjar Pebrihariati.R, S.H.,M.H

Faculty of Law, Bung Hatta University, in Padang City


ABSTRACT Specifically regarding the Village, arranged In Law Number 6 Year 2014 regarding Village. From 34 provinces in the Republic of Indonesia, divided into each district / city. Based on these descriptions, the authors are interested in researching "Determination of Village Fund Allocation". The problem of writing: 1) How is the classification of Allocation of village funds according to Law Number 6 Year 2014 on Villages?, 2) Is the allocation of village funds increased in village development? 3) Who is responsible for the Village Fund Allocation if there is no Village Administration in the area? This writing uses a normative legal approach.The types of data are secondary data, and analyzed by using qualitative analysis. Conclusion: 1) Distribution of Village Fund Allocation to Village Government 30% for Village Apparatus Interests and 70% for Community Empowerment in Village Government. 2). The basic thing that should be done by the village apparatus is to make medium / long term planning by focusing on one or two programs/activities that can contribute greatly to the community. 3). A dynamics of the allocation of village funds, the Government should have conducted a juridical review and historical review of the policy of the Village Fund Allocation.

Keywords: Allocation, Of village funds, the Government

Topic: Law


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