ICPS 2019 Conference

Apokalips Lakardowo: Ecocritical Analysis in The Film "Lakardowo Mencari Keadilan"
(a) Abdul Basid, (b) Aulia Maulida

Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim
Jalan Gajayana No 50 Malang 65144,
Jawa Timur, Indonesia


Human-nature interaction today enters a worrying stage. Film as a literary work began to record this interaction. The film LakardowoMencariKeadilan to be one of them. To explain it, this research uses content analysis method with an ecocritical approach. This film is a research primary data source supported by various related references. The analysis emphasizes the study of environmental literature which focuses on apocalyptic studies with pastoral views that surround it through Creswell spiral analysis methods: data management, reading and memoing, classification and interpretation, then data visualization. In this research, through pastoral reading, the desire of the Lakardowo community was found to be able to live side by side with nature. While the anxiety of the Lakardowo community is known through apocalyptic readings in its elements: the elements of the apocalyptic environment shows that the Lakardowo environment has a water content that is not suitable to use because it is contaminated with a heap of processed B3 waste of PT. Putra RestuIbu Abadi (PRIA), the element of a hero figure by Mrs. Sutamah as a representative of housewives who want a better life for their children and grandchildren as well as an element of vision or prophecy.

Keywords: ecocritical, film, lakardowo, nature

Topic: Urban Ecosystem, Habitats and Sustainability

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/jeBxfE96CbMA

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