SKF 2017 Conference

Countenance Stake Model in the Evaluation of Physics Curriculum Implementation
Etty Jaskarti

Prodi Pendidikan Teknik Mesin STKIP 11 April Sumedang


The purpose of this evaluation was to assess the implementation of KTSP on the performance of SMA Physics teachers whom graduated from PPPPTK-IPA training periode July 2007, the evaluation was done at July to October 2011 in grade X teachers at SMAN 1 and SMAN 2 Bandung. Includes material: physical quantities, measurement, vector and motion. The use of the Countenance Stake Model was known for its descriptive matrix and judgment matrix as an instrument for organizing evaluation data, while the Contingency-Congruence term was used to analyze data. Method : Evaluation of Countenance Stake model based on qualitative research with descriptive non experiment method. The curriculum evaluation methodology consists of five components; (1) curricular phenomenon, (2) collecting information data from the lesson preparation plan document, and observation (3) organizing data on the matrix framewok, (4) data analysis process , (5) decision-making. Result: Observation Matrix Analysis was done by Empirical Contingency, depicting the diversity of teacher teaching pattern, Intended Matrix Analysis was done by Logical Contingency shows the reality of curriculum implementation. Conclusion: Teacher teaching pattern was the quality of the curriculum implementation process, and the teaching material organization was the quality of curriculum implementation planning.

Keywords: Countenance Stake Evaluation Model, descriptive matrix, judgement matrix Contingency-Congruence, Logical Contingency, Empirical Contingency

Topic: Pendidikan Fisika


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