AES 2019 Conference

Sekolah Dayung Jambi an Alternative Education based on environment
Aris Dwi Nugoroho, Armida, Diandara Oryza, Sri Yulia Sari

Islamic State University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi


Economic factors are often being the reason for lack of education in community, including for people at Jambi city. Economy level of the community that classified as middle to lower make their awareness about education is low. The impact of this condition are many children do not go to school, lack of environmental careness, and drug trafficking. This is the reason for establishment of Sekolah Dayung Jambi, one of the alternative world in Jambi. The aim of this study was to find out how to manage this school with minimum resources. This research is qualitative research. Data collected by interview and observation. Data analysis by qualitative descriptive. The results showed that activities in this school are PAUD, reading community, waste management, training on processing river resources, and rowing training. The source of school funding is obtained from the waste bank, community and government. Teachers at this school consist of two permanent teachers and the rest are volunteer from various NGOs and institutions. The presence of Sekolah Dayung Jambi has provided many benefits for the community, such as increasing the quantity of children that going to school, increasing public awareness of environment, and reducing drug trafficking. Quality of education is not depend on money and social class. By using environment, education problem in community can be solved.

Keywords: Sekolah Dayung, Alternative Education, Environment

Topic: Global Issues in Education and Research


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