AMBEC 2019 Conference

The Influences of Economic Risk, Interest Rate and Exchange Rate on Non Oil Export and Its Implication on Gross Domestic Product in Indonesia Using SmartPLS
Arkas Viddy (a), Besse Asniwati (b), Rafiqoh (c)

a. Politeknik Negeri Samarinda
b. Politeknik Negeri Nunukan


The research objectives are to create and to analyze the influence of economic risk, interest rate, and exchange rate on Indonesian non oil export and its implications for Indonesian economic growth. The are several variables are used such as economic risk, interest rates, and exchange rates as independent variables, while non oil exports and gross domestic product as dependent variables; the time series data will be taken from 1999 to 2018. The structural model path analysis is used and Partial Least Square software is used for analizing the data. The result proved that the economic risk, interest rate, and exchange rate have a significant influence on and non oil export. Another result is economic risk, exchange rate, exports have a significant influence on gross domestic product in Indonesia.

Keywords: economic risk, interest rate, exchange rate, export, and gross domestic product

Topic: Economics


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