ICIEVE 2019 Conference

Sri Hidayati Djoeffan Tezza Hasan Hidayati

Urban and Regional Planning Study Program, Faculty of Engineering,
Bandung Islamic University


In the National Industrial Development Master Plan (RIPIN) 2015 - 2035 Indonesia prioritizes industrial development in the sector of small & medium industrial centers (SIKIM). Indonesia in its economic proportion can be categorized as an industrial country. which is the largest contributor to the national economy with its contribution reaching more than 20 percent, so that Indonesia is included in the ranks of the worlds elite. In the category of manufacturing value added, Indonesia is in the top 10 in the world. This rank is in line with Brazil and the UK and is bigger than Russia, "said the Minister of Industry when delivering a scientific speech at the 86th Graduation Ceremony of the 86th University of Malang in the IV Period 2017 in Malang, Saturday (11/25). Binong Jati area as one of the small & medium industrial centers (SIKIM) which in the city of Bandung, which has the power has made an important contribution to the Original Regional Revenue of the City. This industrial activity has been hereditary since birth in 1960 where the peak of its glory occurred in 1998. Industrial activity shows good prospects because it has been able to absorb the workforce of the local population. In addition the tourism function carried by the city of Bandung will support the importance of the development of the knitting industry center area as a prospect that supports the development of economic activities that are important for a city. This area has a strategic potential location that connects regional and local access that is important for the aspects of marketing and importing raw materials. However, with the entry of AFTA in 2012, the competitiveness of the Binong Jati knitting industry has decreased due to the difference in selling prices. The decline in competitiveness is accompanied by a variety of problems faced in the area described among others by poor open space, poor accessibility, lack of sanitation, under-standard building conditions, poor visual aspects. Based on the occurrence of various degradations, the purpose of this study is to restore the competitiveness of the knitting industry centers and strengthen the Indonesian national industry which is safe, comfortable, and sustainable. To achieve this goal various Revitalization approaches have been designed which include the Rejuvenation Strategy, Hamid Shirvanis Theory, the concept of Green City, the concept of the Neighborhood Unit so that the creation of the Binong Jati knitting industry centers that produce a variety of designs: Land Use, circulation, open space, building period Activities, preservation and conservation. This research is useful as an effort to build a city without poverty, without hunger, creating good health and well-being, the fulfillment of clean water and sanitation as well as economic growth with insudtrial development to ensure the sustainability of cities and communities. This aims is in accordance with 2014 SDGS directives.

Keywords: industry, revitalization, design, urban renewal, sdgs,

Topic: Architecture

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/knwm8pGzjabJ

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