MSCEIS 2019 Conference

The Effect of Steaming on The Color and Amount of Anthocyanin of Purple Sweet Potato Flour
Ai Mahmudatussaadah1*, Rita Patriasih1, Rijanti Rahaju Maulani2, Karpin1

1 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl Dr. Setiabudhi 229 Bandung Indonesia;
2 STIH Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl. Jatinangor Sumedang Indonesia


Purple sweet potato is one of the potential sources of antioxidants. Anthocyanin in purple sweet potato is natural to experience enzymatic oxidation after contact with oxygen. The oxidation process causes the brown color to show a decrease in the amount of anthocyanin. The oxidation process was caused due to enzymatic activity. The purpose of this study was to describe the effect of steaming on color and the amount of anthocyanin of sweet potato flour. The method used is a one-factor experiment, namely cooking with water vapor. Stages carried out by material preparation, wet cooking, drying, grinding, and sieving. Color analysis using chromameter, and total anthocyanin amount using the pH difference method. The results showed that the steaming process gave bluish purple, and the amount of anthocyanin was higher than without steaming. This study implies that the steam blanching process of sweet potatoes can maintain the purple color of fresh sweet potatoes.

Keywords: Anthocyanin; Flour; Purple sweet potato; Steaming

Topic: Chemistry


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