ICoSI 2019 Conference

Descriptive Study Related to The Problems of First-Year Student in Guidance and Counseling Major Academic Year 2015/2016 Education and Science Faculty of Ahmad Dahlan University
Erni Hestiningrum

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Kampus 4 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Jl Ringroad Selatan, Tamanan, Banguntapan, Bantul
Email: ernihestiningrum[at]gmail.com


Guidance and Counseling Major which is a part of Science and Education Faculty has determined the problems of first-year student in order to improve the learning process. This matter is used as a preventive step related to first-year student. In order to recognize the problems which are happened by the first-year student, it needs Non-Test Assessment Process that is using Problem Check List (PCL). This study has the objective to determine the cases which are experienced by first-year student of Guidance & Counseling Major, Academic Year 2015/2016, Science and Education Faculty of Ahmad Dahlan University. Problem Check List (PCL) is a set of problem probability statement list which is arranged in order to stimulate the problem explanation that is happened towards every individual. PCL through this research has one type that is developed by Ross L. Money. These PCL has 12 fields of problem which each field of problem consists of 30 problem statements. The population of this research is all of first-year student 2015/2016 in Guidance & Counseling Major - Science and Education Faculty in Ahmad Dahlan University. The date of spreading the PCL questionnairre starts from October 6, 2015 until October 17, 2015. The result of this research is known that the problem related to the (1) habit of study is 92%, (2) healthy is 91%, (3) relationship of love is 86%, (4) family is 85%, (5) curriculum adaptation is 83%, (6) social relationship is 82%, (7) religion and moral is 81%, (8) recreation is 81%, (9) school environment adaptation is 81%, (10) private matter is 77%, (11) future life related to job position is 77%, (12) economic situation is 64%.

Keywords: The Problems of Student; Problem Check List

Topic: International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/m2tVXquy3URE

Web Format | Corresponding Author (Erni Hestiningrum)