AISTEEL 2019 Conference

Gratitude Expression and Gratitude Responses Used by The Characters in The Vow Movie
Sabrina Octavia Pandiangan (a*), Sumarsih (b), Sri Minda Murni (c)

a) English Applied Linguistics Study Program Postgraduate School, State University of Medan, Indonesia
b) English Applied Linguistics Study Program Postgraduate School, State University of Medan, Indonesia
c) English Applied Linguistics Study Program Postgraduate School, State University of Medan, Indonesia


Gratitude expression and gratitude responses is the choosing way to express and to response one kind feeling or appreciation toward action, saying or benefit received. People look at it as politeness behavior as the crucial part to build and establish good social relationship. This research aims to analyze the expression and response of gratitude by the characters in The Vow movie. The researcher describes what are the gratitude expression and gratitude responses used by the characters in The Vow movie. This research is qualitative. It is analyzed descriptively based on related to Aijmer Theory of gratitude expression and Hymes Theory of gratitude responses. The data be explains by showing the context of situation and the meaning of the utterances.

Keywords: Gratitude Expression and Gratitude Response

Topic: Social,Language and Cultural Education


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