ICONBEAT 2019 Conference

The cutting propagation experiment of ‘South East Asia Sakura- tree (Cratoxylum formosum)
Hanifa Marisa and Dhea Ramadhani Putri

Biology Dept of Sriwijaya Universiity


The cutting propagation experiment of ‘South East Asia Sakura- tree (Cratoxylum formosum) Hanifa Marisa1 and Dhea Ramadhani Putri2 1, 2 Biology Department, Mathematic and Natural Science Faculty, Sriwijaya University (E-mail: gmdiqhan2002@yahoo.com) This research began about two months ago, after a student of Biology Deaprtment contact the main author, about a kind of small treegrowth around Sriwijaya University campus area is blooming its flowers. The flowers were so amazing pinky beautiful and made the student remember on Sakura flower from Japan. Background: Identification of those flowers tree, found that the species is Cratoxylum formosum, a member of family Hypericaceae. Its growth wild in South East Asia, include Indralaya, South Sumatra. Some questions emerged in the mind about those trees, wether it could be propagated via cutting and what kind of growth medium good for cutting reproductive type; black garden soil or sandy soil. To answer above questions, the experiment was done at Biology Deaprtment Green House, Indralaya, during August 2019 until early November 2019. Aims: the aims of study were to know wether Cratoxylum formosum stems could be growth for reproductive goal and what kind of soil type that good for its bud growth. Materials and Methods: 36 sticks of Cratoxylum formosum stem about 1-2 cm diameter size and 25 cm lenght, were planted in three kind of growth medium; garden soil, sandy soil and clay soil in polybags. All of cutted stem were watering systematically everyday, and the existency of bud were noted every week during three weeks. Number of budded stems percentage were counted and the long of bud were measured. Results: Two weeks experiment done, two of 12 sticks / stems were budded. Three of them were budded after three weeks. All of budded stems came from garden soil treatment. Three weeks after planting, emerging bud has five leaves and 2,5 cm lenght. Conclusion: Cratoxylum formosum tree coud be propagated by cutting system, used garden soil medium growth, and bud were emerged since two weeks after planting. Figure 1. Budded stem and the size (week-2) Figure2. Budded week-3

Keywords: Ceratoxylum formosum, bud, medium, sandy soil, garden soil and hypericaceae

Topic: Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/mDC2ny7pEfrq

Web Format | Corresponding Author (Hanifa Marisa)