ICONBEAT 2019 Conference

Assesing average and potential yields of soybean high yield lines
Gatut_Wahyu A. S. 1, Novita Nugrahaeni2, Abdullah Taufiq3, Titik Sundari4, Suhartina5 and Purwantoro6

Indonesian Legume and Tuber Crops Research Institute, INDONESIA


Assesing average and potential yields of soybean high yield lines Gatut_Wahyu A. S. 1, Novita Nugrahaeni2, Abdullah Taufiq3, Titik Sundari4, Suhartina5 and Purwantoro6 1-6 Indonesian Legume and Tuber Crops Research Institute, INDONESIA (E-mail: gatut_wahyu2016@yahoo.com, nnugrahaeni@gmail.com, a.taufiq@gmail.com, titik_iletri@gmail.com, t_ina@gmail.com, pur_bagus@gmail.com) Background: Average and potential yields of soybean can be increased through genetic and cultivation technology improvements. Genetic improvement can be attained by employing genetic engineering technologies or by crossing between soybean parentals to derive the desired lines or cultivars. One of the cultivation technologie components is planting suitable cultivars for specific purpose or environment. Response of cultivars to environmental conditions varies due to the existence of genotype by environment interactions (Sundari et al., 2016; Lyimo et al., 2017), therefore, cultivars must be evaluated in a diverse environments to determine their performances. In addition, planting areas of soybean is relatively stagnant, and even tends to decline. To meet the increasing demand of national soybeans it is important to make a breakthrough, especially in increasing seed yield average. Therefore increasing soybean productivity is important to achieve. Soybean cultivars with yield potential of more than 4.0 t/ha will be able to boost the increase national soybean production. Research to improve soybean seed potential has obtained 30 homozygouse lines which need to be further evaluated to asses the ability of the lines to produce high average and potential seed yields. Those lines will be evaluated compared to the most popular high yield cultivar Anjasmoro, and the new large seeded high seed yield Dega 1. Aims: The study was conducted to asses the average and yield potential of soybean lines. Materials and Methods: The trials were carried out in two stages, namely preliminary yield trial (PYT) and advanced yield trial (AYT), each of the trial is as followed: (1) PYT were conducted in two locations, i.e. in Jambegede Experimental Farm-Malang and in Ngale KP, Ngawi during the 1st dry season (MKI) 2017. Thirty soybean homozygous lines and two check cultivars (Anjasmoro and Dega 1) were arranged in randomized completely block design, replicated three times. Each genotype was planted in a plot of 5.6 m2 with 40 cm x 15 cm plant spacing, two plants per hill; (2). Thirteen selected soybean lines from PYT along with the same two check cultivars (Anjasmoro and Dega 1) were evaluated in AYT. The trials were conducted in three locations, i.e. Genteng Experimental Farm-Banyuwangi, Ngale Exp. Farm-Ngawi, and in Jambegede Exp. Farm-Malang during the 2nd dry season 2017. The 15 genotypes were set randomized completely block design, replicated three times. Each genotype was planted in a plot of 12 m2, spaced 40 cm inter rows and 15 cm within a row, two plants per hill. F

Keywords: average, line, potential, soybean, yield

Topic: Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/mcXgpvWyPzZY

Web Format | Corresponding Author (Gatut Wahyu Anggoro Susanto)