BICHS 2019 Conference

A Descriptive study of causal factors of phlebitis in the insertion of Intravenous Fluid ata Private Hospital in West Indonesia.
Ayu Monaretha B1, Margareta Sijabat1, SisiliaDesiana Nduru1,Yenni F Sitanggang BN, MSN. Palliative-Care2, Ns. Elissa OktovianiHutasoit , S.Kep3

Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Pelita Harapan, Indonesia


Intravenous (IV) line infusion therapy is a therapy that often given to patients who were admitted or having a specific therapy. The ability of IV insertion is one of the important skills that required from a competence nurse. It is important for a nurse to do the insertion of IV Line correctly to avoid a harmful error such as phlebitis or inflammation of the vein and further infections or anybody reactions. Based on the data gathered at a Private Hospital, the first or the preliminary result showed that in a year there is 30 incident of Phlebitis. The purpose of this study was to determine the causes of phlebitis in infusion on the inpatient ward at a private hospital in West Indonesia. This study is quantitative descriptive research with data collection methods by documents study of the checklists. The sampling technique was a purposive sampling with 50 inpatients people as the respondents. The instrument used in this research is a documentary study sheet using visual Infusion Phlebitis (VIP) Score from Andrew Jackson. The result of this study is 32 people (64%) respondents who experienced phlebitis or PIVAS scores more than or equal to one (≥ 1) from 50 people who IV line was removed in the hospital. The three main factors causing phlebitis on this study was Intrinsic factors (gender, age, and comorbidities) of 82%, chemical factors (type and speed of fluid) of 52%, and mechanical factors (catheter size, location, and length of insertion) of 98%. The conclusion of this study is there are three main factors that influence the incidence of phlebitis, are: Intrinsic factors with 82%, the chemical factors (52%), and mechanical as the highest frequencies of phlebitis (98%).The researcher recommends to the future researcher as a reference for further study of phlebitis and to expand the analysis for more specific causes of phlebitis.

Keywords: Phlebitis, Factors, IV Line Insertion

Topic: Healthcare Practice and Services


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