ICoSI 2019 Conference

Analysis of Congestion Cost using Vissim 10 at Sentul Signalized Intersection, Yogyakarta
Noor Mahmudah (a*), Bayu Segara Anjasmoro (a), and Muchlisin (a)

(a) Department of Civil Engineering,
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta,
Jalan Brawijaya Bantul 55183, Indonesia


The growth of population leads to high traffic volume on several urban road in Yogyakarta. Sentul signalized intersection is one of intersection in Yogyakarta that is very potential causing traffic congestion. Therefore, this study aims to analyse the performance of intersection with simulation using Vissim 10 and to estimate the congestion cost. The methods used in this study were traffic counting at intersection and modelling the traffic using Vissim 10. The results of study showed the performance of existing condition at intersection was very poor with level of service (LOS) F and average delay of 106.71 second per vehicle. In addition, the estimated congestion cost of intersection was 3,722,627 rupiah per hour. The solutions simulated using Vissim 10 were consisted of re-setting green time of the traffic light, road widening for each approach area, applying left turn on right (LTOR) for the west-arm of intersection, and removing on-street parking area The analysis results showed that intersection performance was increasing with LOS of E, average delay was 74.23 second per vehicle, and congestion cost became 1,876,757 rupiah per hour. Hence it is concluded that the alternative solutions in this study can be applied to reduce congestion cost at Sentul signalized intersection.

Keywords: Congestion cost, signalized intersection, Vissim, Sentul, Yogyakarta

Topic: International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/n7fAqgchJaVF

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