APMRC 2019 Conference

Business Model Development Of PT. XYZ Using Business Model Canvas
Jasnovaria, Ningky Sasanti Munir

Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM, Jakarta - Indonesia

Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM, Jakarta - Indonesia


Changes in external and internal environment often cause changes in a companys business model. For this reason, companies must have a flexible business model that is in line with the companys vision, mission and goals. The business model currently used by PT. XYZ is not able to overcome the main problems such as falling income and increasing costs significantly which resulting a very high negative profits. Thus requires a business model that can map and provide solutions to improve revenue performance and cost control. The right business model design is needed to encourage PT. XYZ to get out of the problem and able to improve its performance so that it needed several research objectives to address the problems that occurred such as identification of the companys vision, mission and goals, identification of elements in the current company-s Business Model Canvas, identification of external and internal factors of the company that could affect the elements in the Business Model Canvas as well as the development of the companys Business Model Canvas to improve business performance. The methodology or type of research used is qualitative business research with a business model canvas approach that is equipped with a SWOT analysis and blue ocean strategy and data collection methods through document studies and interviews. From this study, the results of the mapping of 9 (nine) elements of the business model canvas include customer segments, value propositions, channels, customer relationships, revenue streams, key resources, key activities, key partnerships, and cost structures are obtained. The companys external and internal environment is very influential to the elements in the canvas of PT. XYZ, this is reflected in the decrease of revenue stream and the increase of cost structure which has an impact on the magnitude of the loss of PT. XYZ in 2018 and the occurrance of liquidity problem has caused payment delays of customer claims. Development of a business model canvas for PT. XYZ has been composed by taking into account the vision, mission, corporate objectives and business strategy which is implemented in 2019 to solve liquidity, profitability and solvency problems and add value innovation to strengthen the canvas elements of the business model especially in the revenue stream and cost structure so as to increase value propositions and value creation in carrying out company operations. This thesis research is also a strategic design that is directed to arrive at a managerial decision in the company that is supported by analysis and logical argumentation in exploring data and information.

Keywords: Business Model Development, Business Model Canvas

Topic: Strategic Management

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/nDuMq7QpvfbH

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