ICoSI 2019 Conference

Determinants Of The Islamic Financial Literacy Index: Comparison Based On Ethnographic Studies
Miftakhul Khasanah

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta


The inconsistency of the results of previous studies regarding the factors that influence the level of financial literacy in both general and Islamic financial literacy attracted researchers to conduct this research. Demographic factors such as gender, education level, income level and so on are factors that are often used in this type of research. Changes that occur in the community go according to patterns of change, especially seen in the attitudes and behavior of community members who are more often influenced by specific cultural groups or communities. Islamic financial literacy indicators are arranged in constructs of knowledge, skills, beliefs, attitudes, and behavior based on aspects of religiosity and Maqasid al-Shariah. The communities that were compared in this study were the temporary sellers community in Malioboro, Yogyakarta City and the ASN (State Civil Apparatus) community of the Regional Government in Wonosari City Gunung Kidul. The determination of the Islamic financial literacy index is carried out by the survey method. The data in this study uses primary data and secondary data. Primary data is data obtained directly from interviews and distribution of tests and questionnaires. Then the factors that influence the Islamic financial literacy index are carried out using ethnographic studies.

Keywords: Determinants, Islamic Financial Literacy, Behavioral Patterns, Ethnographic Studies

Topic: International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/nER9NQuKkZHw

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