ICDM 2019 Conference

Alternative Solutions For Determining Village Funds Using Weight Product Method
Tri Hastono, Firdiyan Syah

Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta


A country is said to be progressing, if all regions of the country prosper. In Indonesia, the smallest area that runs the government function is the village. The legal basis regarding the village government itself is stated in Law No. 6 of 2014 Republic of Indonesia. In carrying out its functions as a government, the village is supported by village funds. Village funds sourced from the state budget are intended for the development and improvement of the welfare of rural communities. Village funds can go down based on the proposal submitted. The proposal for submitting village funds is processed by a work team called Tim 11. So far, the determination of village funds is still manual and less transparent. Therefore we need a system that can overcome the problem of determining village funds. This research provides alternative solutions regarding the determination of recipients of village funds using the weight product method. There are four criteria in this research, namely the number of residents in an RT area, the standard of living of an RT area, the extent of the area, the level of geographical damage in an RT area. And the object of the research chosen was Kasihan sub-district, Tamantirto village. the results obtained are a priority submission in writing the proposal submitted.

Keywords: Decision Support System;Village Funds;Weight Product

Topic: Computer Engineering

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/nQLbpjBmKV8A

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