BIS 2019 Conference

The Relationship Between Frequency Of Gadget Use And The Aggressiveness In Adolescent Age In SMP 13 Magelang
Yolanda Suciati Kurnia, Sambodo Sriadi Pinilih, Retna Tri Astuti

University Of Muhammadiyah Magelang


Background: The phenomenon of gadgets among adolescents is already familiar and has been crowded talked about, teenagers tend not to notice even unconscious with the use of excessive gadgets will cause side effects. In addition, excessive frequency of consumption leads to the onset of aggressive behavior that is watched by the teenagers from gadgets, the phenomenon that is common is the example of physical violence. Teenagers tend to have aggressive properties because adolescents concontent condition that is still lability and in the transition from children to adulthood. Objectives: This study was conducted to know the relationship between the frequency of use of gadgets against aggressiveness at the age of teenagers in SMP N 13 Magelang. Method: This study used Cross-Sectional design method, using the Random Sampling technique. The data was collected through the spread of questionnaires, using samples of 194 respondents in accordance with inclusion criteria. The test used was Spearmans Rank Correlation. Results: Statistical test results showed that there was a link between the frequency of using the gadget against aggressiveness gained the compatibility of P value = 0.002 and r =-0.224. The direction of the correlation showed positive and the strength of the correlate was lacking. Conclusion: There is a significant link between the frequency of use of gadgets to Agrsivitas in the age of teenagers in SMP N 13 Magelang. Sugeestion: From this research the need for parents to control adolescents in the use of gadgets and give little time to interact with the youth and listen to the problems faced at school.

Keywords: Frequency Of Use Gadget, Aggressiveness, Adolescents

Topic: Health Science


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