Technology Acceptance Model of Students Satisfaction Aspect in Using The Digital Story Telling Application
Y Achdiani, I Widiaty, S Suciati, R Illahi
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
The purpose of this study was to determine student satisfaction in using digital story telling applications in batik learning in Vocational High Schools (SMK) in the context of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The data collection process was carried out for 82 students at the Vocational High School of Batik who had previously used the digital story telling application. The data collection instrument was a questionnaire that used a Likert scale to measure aspects of student satisfaction with digital story telling applications. The results showed that student satisfaction with the use of digital applications is seen in the following indicators: the application used is very pleasant, can work well, looks good, very necessary, and can help students to get complete information especially about the philosophical aspects of batik motifs from various areas. This digital story telling application is a narration that is equipped with visual batik motifs combined with animation and audio technology that can help students fully understand the value of batik local wisdom. Overall aspects of student satisfaction in using digital story telling applications are in the good category. These results show that students are satisfied using this application and can help understand the local wisdom value of batik which is very helpful for instilling student awareness about the cultural heritage of Indonesian Nation.
Keywords: Technology; Digital; Story Telling; Application
Topic: New Technologies in Education