BCM 2019 Conference

Exploration of Interior Elements in the Harmony of the Music Studio
Tita Cardiah, Santi Salayanti Ari Alghani

Telkom University


Exploration of Interior Elements in the Harmony of the Music Studio Tita Cardiah, S.T., M.T.¹ Santi Salayanti S.Sn., M.Sn.2 Ari Alghani, S.Ds.3 ¹ Desain Interior, Fakultas Industri Kreatif, Telkom University, Indonesia 2 Desain Interior, Fakultas Industri Kreatif, Telkom University, Indonesia 3 Desain Interior, Fakultas Industri Kreatif, Telkom University, Indonesia titacardiah@telkomuniversity.ac.id salayanti@telkomuniversity.ac.id alghaniari@gmail.com Abstract Music is sound that is arranged in such a way that it contains rhythms, songs, and harmony, especially from the sounds produced from tools that can produce rhythms. To produce a rhythm of music that is perfectly influenced by musical instruments and elements of interior space. Music studio as a space for expressing music requires supporting elements of space to fulfill harmony and can facilitate user activities while stimulating users in music quality and psychologically to make music so that quality musicians are produced. Exploring the interior elements of the music studio space to produce good music sounds, influenced by several facts, namely; shape of space, composition of space, material, decoration of space, and space capacity. The form of interior elements used are organic forms so as not to arise boredom when on the move followed by the use of curved lines to reinforce the dynamic impression. The exploration of the interior elements of the music studio space includes floor elements, wall elements and ceiling elements through dynamic and non-rigid forms so that harmony and harmonization of music are achieved.

Keywords: music studio, interior elements, exploration, harmony

Topic: Design

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/ne7J6aDLMmth

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