ICDeSA 2019 Conference


Padjadjaran University


The statement that congestion by reducing private vehicles and improving the function of road volume and capacity, the statement does not apply to the current transportation improvement model, finally the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government fixes transportation modes by building public transportation infrastructure by building MRT and LRT, and improving quality and since Transjakarta has been growing since 2014, the existence of public transportation has not made it easier for passengers to use advanced modes, because there is no integrated route, management and tariff, therefore, since the appointment of the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Mr. Anies Baswedan made a policy on the Ok Trip program. This program aims to integrate Transjakarta buses with angkot in terms of routes, management and tariffs. This program shows success or success with passenger numbers increasing every day, because passengers feel that there is no tariff on angkot or free, and passengers only pay when on the Transjakarta bus by clicking on a Trip card. This study uses the concept of transparency according to Mardiasmo and Kristianten (2006: 45) is the openness of the government in providing information related to the activities of managing public resources to those in need. In addition to the concept, this study also uses the concept of accountability according to Samual Paul (in Tjahya Supriatna, 2001). Both concepts are used in research to answer research problems as an analysis knife, because the concept will examine and be very in accordance with the phenomenon of the Ok Trip program in the DKI Jakarta Province. The scope of this study only examines the application of the Program. This program study was analyzed by qualitative approach and descriptive method, then how to collect data by interviewing, observing, and analyzing documents, then analyzed by triangulation. The research findings suggest that the Ok Trip program is very suitable for further development, because the benefits of the program are very useful for passengers and policies to improve transportation in Jakarta, indirectly this program really changes the mindset of operators and drivers to use minimum service standards, and evaluation of city bus rejuvenation. What is certain is that the interests of actors cannot be avoided, because there are differences in explicit interpretations between provit goals and the benefits of the program, therefore, human resources need to be improved by sending HR from PT. Transjakarta, operators, drivers, and provincial comparative studies to other countries, as well as eliminating different perceptions by improving transportation are openness and shared responsibility.

Keywords: Public Policy, Program, Transportation, Organization, Interpretation, Integration, Minimum Service Standards, Socialization.

Topic: Digital Governance and Citizenship

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/nkET8GQKa6ru

Web Format | Corresponding Author (Syafruddin Syafruddin)