Pedagogical content knowledge of preservice mathematics teachers
Gida Kadarisma (a*), Eka Senjayawati (a), Risma Amelia (a)
a)Department of Mathematics Education , IKIP Siliwangi
jalan terusan jendral sudirman Cimahi 40526, Indonesia
Content Knowledge and pedagogical knowledge are two most important aspects of teaching. Therefore this research is motivated by the importance of pedagogical content knowledge for pre-service teacher students. The purpose of this study is to analyze PCK that is owned by pre-service teachers when teaching quadrilateral material. The method of this study is a qualitative carried out to obtain in-depth picture of the pre-service teachers PCK in the process of learning activities. The sample of this study is taken by 3 students of mathematics teacher candidates in IKIP SIliwangi conducting field practice in a junior high School in Cimahi. The instruments of this study are in the form of questionnaires and observation sheets to analyze PCK of teacher candidates, pre-learning questionnaires are used to analyze pre-service teachers in making learning plans as many as 6 indicators, and questionnaires in-learning are used to analyze PCK of teacher candidates in delivering material, mastering concepts and choosing methods in line with 20 Indicators. Based on the data analysis, it was found that the PCK of pre-service teacher students in the quadrilateral material belonged to the classification good enough in developing strategies, making lesson plans, in the learning process and mastery of concepts.
Keywords: pedagogical content knowledge, Preservice Mathematics Teachers
Topic: Mathematics Education