ICoSI 2019 Conference

ADDIE Model in the Preparation of a Blended Learning in Master Program : Beyond The Files Up-load to Server
Winny Setyonugroho, Arlina Dewi, Rizki Eka Safitri

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta


Background E-Learning has been extensively discussed since the early 2000s. Implementing a teaching method that combines e-Learning with the traditional teaching method is very promising. When initiating a full program of blended learning in a postgraduate setting, one must prepare the materials and upload them to the server. Every single aspect behind the process of administering a regular program must also be well prepared, not to mention that there are additional IT complexities as well. Aim This study aims to describe the preparation process of establishing a blended learning program for the postgraduate level Master of hospital management program.. Method/Approach An ADDIE model is used to ease in organizing the preparation of the blended learning program. There are three areas focus on; the curriculum (material), the administration (all clutters behind the desk), and the Information Technology. Results/Findings A team was put together specifically to handle the blended learning program. During the analysis step, we found several main problems that required revision; the regular curriculum needs to be re-developed, the students do not possess the mindset of a self-directed learning style, the administrative rules and regulations are still designed for a regular (off-line) learning process, and there is a need for close coordination with the IT department in the university. These problems can be addressed by conducting a series of workshop to redesign the curriculum in order for it to fit with the blended learning program. We also need to create new regulations that meet the blended learning process and combine them with current regulations. The IT department in the university will prepare the servers according to our study design and also provide the staff support in preparing for the early weeks of the program. We must also develop SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) for each of the activities which will act as the performance indicators of the program. Conclusion Running a blended learning program is not as easy as it looks. There are many preparations that must be made for each area involved in the program. This program really helps the students to be able to work and study at the same time. Further analysis is mandatory to maintain that the program runs smoothly and able to adapt to the current technology.

Keywords: blended learning, e-learning

Topic: International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/nwGut9cQ7YdM

Web Format | Corresponding Author (Winny Setyonugroho)