AISTEEL 2019 Conference

Development of Interctive Multimedia on Understanding The danger of Drugs Abuse to Students in Langsa
Al Azharsyah (a*), Budi Valianti (a), Novita (a)

a) Sport Education, Post Graduate Program, Universitas Negeri Medan
* coklatmaroon[at]


Adolescence is a period of increasing curiosity about something. This great curiosity makes teenagers want to try new things without knowing the positive and negative impact. The rapid development of technology also does not limit a person in interacting with anyone and does not rule out the possibility of falling into promiscuity and then getting interested and trying drugs. The impact of drugs for adolescents includes being irritable, mental disorders, reducing discipline, also lacking passion. These impacts can hinder students understanding of learning even interfere with other students. Based on the results of the National Anti Narcotics Agency (BNN) survey in 2018, drug addicts in Aceh reached 73,201 people, including teenagers. For this reason, it is necessary for teachers to provide an understanding the dangers of drugs to students so those students avoid the dangers of drugs and the learning process becomes effective and conducive. A key to achieve understanding in students is through the use of interactive multimedia. Interactive multimedia is a multimedia that is equipped with a controller that can be operated by the user, so users can choose what they want for the next process. Examples of interactive multimedia such as robots, games and others. Interactive multimedia learning can facilitate the teacher in explaining and facilitating students in understanding learning to be in tune with the times of technology-based.

Keywords: Interactive Multimedia, Drug.

Topic: Curriculum, Research and Development


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